Love trap

Love trap

What happens when two lovers break-up, but don't actually separate? When their bond is so strong, they can't be without each other, but also not with each other? They enter the post-relationship grey area, a strange place to be in. There are no rules there, no limits or boundaries, just love and pain intertwined. Time stands still and nothing makes sense. They want to walk away, but they also want to stay. They can't go forward, but they also can't let go of the past. They are stuck, hurting together and hurting each other. The air is thick, suffocating, filled with whispers of misery and doubt. And whilst the conditions are terrible, none of them would choose to be anyplace else other than right there, stuck in the grey area with their ex-lover.

105 x 65 cm
Madalina Mihutoiu

Madalina Mihutoiu