Why couldn't you just hold me?

Why couldn't you just hold me?

Why couldn't you just hold me?

Why couldn't you just hold me? Is a sculpture of almost 10 meters. The title question is sewn subtily on each segment of the sculpture. The pink and orange material is derived from blankets I associate with my youth.  It was the material my no-nonsens grandmother snugly tucked me in with  before making a cross on my forehead.  The blanket was too tight and scratchy, often the material made me sneeze.

Why couldn't you just hold me? aims to question the definition of love. I grew up in a time where love meant taking care of, .. but I needed more than that. Love  is making room for differences, listening, holding space for each other. 

Why couldn't you just hold me? is my inner child asking to just be held instead of told.

Why couldn't you just hold me? is meant to be an interactive work. It can come to life if the audience wraps themselves in its arms.

lengte 948cm maximale breedte 24cm
Jelle Annie Michiels

Jelle Annie Michiels