Coussins - Ici, tout est permis

Coussins - Ici, tout est permis

"As a child, I lived in a flour mill. The mill is a real playground. It's a kind of floating labyrinth. A playground for games and fun. A dizzying place where the real and the imaginary meet. A place of timeless freedom. When I'm at my grandmother's, in her garden, there are these red swings with green ropes on which I swing and soar to the highest point.

At the mill, there are these silvery silos on which the sun's reflections are projected. You climb up a long ladder to see the changing lights of the mountains. In the mill, there is this spiral slide used to lower the sacks of flour, which we used to play "au loup" and which made us dizzy. The flour-covered floor turns the place into a real dance floor. On the meadows beside the mill, there are the bales of hay that sting when you lie on them. There's that big hundred-year-old cherry tree, the one right next to the walnut and quince trees, where you hide and climb to the top.

At my grandmother's house, there are a multitude of oriental carpets in every corner of the house. The river on which we float and the green boat. The blue canoe and those red paddles. And finally, the smell of freshly cut grass in the garden.I've often dreamt of flying over the mill and landing on its roof. Here, everything is permitted."

Delimited by its borders and fringes of color, the tapestry draws an intimate perimeter that comforts us, reassures us and makes us feel at home. It is also a window, a garden that allows us to project ourselves into a symbolic and imaginary world, outside our everyday lives. Manuel Leromain joyfully cuts, glues and assembles shapes and colors to transpose a singular and inspiring universe - the mill where he grew up. A series of multi-colored tapestries in jacquard weaving, designed in Belgium, that can be hung in your bedroom, placed on your bed, integrating the space like springboards for dreaming and travelling.

variable dimensions
Manuel Leromain

Manuel Leromain